- The hackathon IS open to:
- Individuals who are at least the age of majority where they reside as of the time of entry (“Eligible Individuals”);
- Teams of Eligible Individuals (“Teams”); and
- Organizations (including corporations, not-for-profit corporations, and other nonprofit organizations, limited liability companies, partnerships, and other legal entities) that exist and have been organized or incorporated at the time of entry
- Teams or individuals from sponsor or affiliate organizations.
- The Hackathon is NOT open to:
- Employees, representatives, and agents of Neo, including members of their immediate family or household;
- Any Judge (defined below), or company or individual that employs a Judge;
- Any other individual or organization whose participation in the Hackathon would create, in the sole discretion of the Sponsor and/or Administrator, a real or apparent conflict of interest;
- Any team members who have gotten supports from Neo eco support programs (including but not limited to EcoBoost, Early Adoption, Grants, EcoFund, GrantShares).
How To Enter
Entrants may enter by visiting hackathon.neo.org (”Hackathon Website”) and following these steps:
- Register for the hackathon on the Neo APAC Hackathon website by clicking the “Register Now” button. To complete registration, fill out the hackathon Google form. Registration enables you to receive important updates and create your Submission.
- Entrants will get access to the required developer tools and complete a Project described below in Project Requirements. Use of the developer tools is subject to the license agreement related thereto. Entry into the hackathon constitutes consent for Neo to collect and maintain your personal information for the purpose of operating and publicizing the hackathon.
- You must make your Project’s code open source and provide the link to the repository within your Submission.
- Create a video that includes footage that explains your projects’ features and functionality through a comprehensive demonstration.
- Complete and enter all of the required fields by clicking the “Project Submission” button of the Hackathon Website (each a “Submission”) during the Submission Period and follow the requirements below.
Project Requirements
- What to Create: Entrants must build a project or application using Neo N3 or EVM blockchain technology that fits into one of these five categories: DeFi & Payment; NFT & Gaming; AI, Social & DAO; Infrastructure & Tooling; or General/Special (each a “Project”).
- Functionality: The Project must be capable of being successfully installed and running consistently on the platform for which it is intended and must function as depicted in the video and/or expressed in the text description.
- Platforms: A submitted Project must run on the platform for which it is intended and which is specified in the Submission Requirements.
- New & Existing: Projects must be either newly created by the Entrant or, if the Project existed prior to the Hackathon Submission Period, must have been significantly updated after the start of the Hackathon Submission Period.
- Third-Party Integrations: If a Project integrates any third-party SDK, APIs and/or data, Entrant must be authorized to use them.
- Testing: The Entrant must make the Project available free of charge and without any restriction, for testing, evaluation and use by the Sponsor, Administrator and Judges until the Judging Period ends.
Submission Requirements
- Include access to a Project built with the required developer tools and meets the above Project Requirements.